Our Morning Reading script is supported with standard English sentence phonetic symbols. The symboles show us the rhythm, and the numbered musical notations the tone of each syllable, which is unique on line. It&`&s impossible here to display them here yet.
戴孚英语学习材料配以标准速度英语句子音标。 句子音标记录句子节奏,音乐简谱记录每个音节的语调变化!这在网上是独一无二的!但是在荔枝电台上无法展示。
Pls contact me by English_trainer_Dave on WeChat if you need the script for this morning reading. You can also search for the WeChat public account justdaveit.
Today&`&s background music:Get English rhythm and tones in a musical way.
Today&`&s background music: Memoria Da Noite.