A Loving Friend 挚友 (即兴14行诗及排律)

A Loving Friend 挚友 (即兴14行诗及排律)

2019-07-24    05'18''

主播: 中国英语世界第一人

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A Loving Friend 挚友 -an improvised pentameter iambic sonnet 即兴五音步抑扬格十四行诗/排律   By Dave, No. 1 Soul in China’s English World @Vanity Fair, July 23rd, 2019, Tuesday   A loving friend is one who gives hello. An ex-friend drifts apart before we know. A coward's scared of giving stuff in voice. A hero speaks in public out of choice.   A texter acts as babe in cozy arms. A daring speaker brings the group alarms. A hopeless soul is one who waits for miracles. A hopeful maker has the water ripple.   A breeze is welcome, giving moves in air. A shower charms a swamp for tender care. A sudden rainbow opens narrow minds. The chirps in quiet woods are beacons to find.   A world to crave for bonding won’t be lonely. A loner showing sound survives the milky.   灵犀缱绻此情高, 默默前人去去遥。 懦者叽叽屏后戏, 龙吟地裂动云霄。   华洋洒洒婴亲母, 口水涛涛雨去骚。 绝望之灵穷等迹, 神奇腐朽愚公挑。   微风爽众移浊气, 阵雨怡人静暑宵。 天际彩虹开混沌, 深林啾鸟路无劳。   蓝星尽可万船锚, 寂者一声百事昭。