us.-Gracie Abrams,Taylor Swift

us.-Gracie Abrams,Taylor Swift

2024-06-22    04'02''

主播: 🐏浅色苏打🐍✨

522 10

瓜西和霉霉合作曲。(霉霉姐也是当了回乐器) us. (Explicit) - Gracie Abrams (格蕾丝·艾布拉姆斯)/Taylor Swift (泰勒·斯威夫特) I know you know 其实我们心底都清楚 It felt just like a joke 我们的恋情不过是众人眼中的笑谈 I show you don't 我付出真心坦诚以待 而你却截然相反 And now we're talkin' 此刻我们言不由衷地谈论着 I know your ghost 你的身影如鬼魅般徘徊不去 I see her through the smoke 朦胧烟雾中 还能看见她踟躇的身影 She'll play her show 她亮相登场开始她的表演 And you'll be watchin' 而你会翘首以待 驻足观看 And if history's clear someone always ends up in ruins 若过往历史足以佐证 有人终逃不脱沦为尘埃的下场 And what seemed like fate becomes "What the hell was I doin'" 注定的命运似乎到最后 唯剩一句“我到底在做什么”的喟叹 Babylon lovers hangin' lifetimes on a vine 亦如巴比伦的空中花园 其一生攀附的藤蔓不过是想象的存在 Ooh Do you miss mine 你会想念关于我的种种吗 Do you miss us us 你会怀念我们曾经的点点滴滴吧 I felt it you held it do you miss us us 我能感觉得到 你始终眷恋 你会怀念我们曾经的点点滴滴吧 Wonder if you regret the secret of us us 不知你是否会遗憾于我们那段隐秘的过往 Us us us us us us 我们那段隐秘的过往 I know you know 其实我们心知肚明 It felt like somethin' old 似是亘古不变的存在 It felt like somethin' holy like souls bleedin' 似是不可侵犯的神圣 似是魂萦梦牵的期待 So it felt like what I've known 似是刻入灵魂的熟悉 You're twenty-nine years old 即将步入而立之年的你 So how can you be cold when I open my home 怎会在我带你参观我的家时那样冷漠淡然? And if history's clear the flames always end up in ashes 若过往历史足以佐证 爱的炙热终将湮灭化为虚无 And what seemed like fate give it ten months and you'll be past it 命运使然吧 短短十个月时间 你却准备好退场 You'll be past it 你却准备好退场 Babylon lovers hangin' missed calls on the line 亦如巴比伦的空中花园 那些爱意倾注的未接来电似是幻梦一场 I gave you mine 我曾将真心交付于你 Did you mind us us 而你是否会在意我们的点点滴滴? I felt it you held it do you miss us us 我能感觉得到 你始终眷恋 你会怀念我们曾经的点点滴滴吧 Wonder if you regret the secret of us us 不知你是否会遗憾于我们那段隐秘的过往 Us us us us us us 我们那段隐秘的过往 That night you were talkin' false prophets and profits 那天晚上 你高谈阔论着伪先知 They make in the margins of poetry sonnets 讽刺诗旁页边空白处钻营得利的行为 You never read up on it shame could've learned somethin' 你从来不会细细品读 真遗憾 你本能从中有所领悟 Robert Bly on my nightstand gifts from you how ironic 摆在我床头柜上的Robert Blythe的诗集 竟然是你送给我的礼物 多么讽刺 A curse or a miracle hearse or an oracle 到底是诅咒还是奇迹 到底是诅咒还是神谕 You're incomparable **** it was chemical 你无与伦比 真糟 是难以抵抗的心动 You you plus plus me me was 你加我等于 你加我等于 Us us us 我们 我们那段隐秘的过往 I felt it you held it do you miss us us 我能感觉得到 你始终眷恋 你会怀念我们曾经的点点滴滴吧 Wonder if you regret the secret of us us 不知你是否会遗憾于我们那段隐秘的过往 Mistaken for strangers the way it was was 被误以为是陌生人 尽管事实确实如此 The pain of the reign of the flame of us us 曾经的苦痛 我们的甜蜜 爱火的炙热 The outline well sometimes do you miss us us 终是化为虚幻的泡影 你会怀念我们曾经的点点滴滴吧 The best kind well sometimes do you miss us 最难忘的美好 你是否会偶尔怀念呢?