中英文朗读《一颗开花的树》A Blooming Tree

中英文朗读《一颗开花的树》A Blooming Tree

2016-09-03    03'53''

主播: Jennifer^O^

343 3

如何让你遇见我/在我/最美丽的时刻 May Buddha let us meet/ in my most /beautiful hours, 为这/我已在佛前/求了五百年,求佛/让我们结下/一段尘缘 I have prayed for it/ for five hundred years. 佛/于是把我/化做一棵树 Buddha made me /a tree 长在/你必经的路旁 By the path /you may take. 阳光下/慎重地开满了花 In full blossoms I'm waiting /in the sun 朵朵/都是我/前世的盼望 Every flower/ carrying/ my previous hope. 当你走近 As you are near, 请你细听 Listen /carefully 那颤抖的叶/是我等待的热情 The quivering leaves/ are my waiting zeal, 而当你/终于无视地走过 As you pass by the tree/ without noticing me. 在你身后/落了一地的 My friend, 朋友啊 Upon the ground behind you 那不是花瓣 Is not the fallen petals 那是我/凋零的心 But /my withered heart.