

2019-06-04    04'55''

主播: 良声英语

125 2

“我只是开个玩笑,怎么就毁了你一生了?”/我胖、我矮、我丑,但这些都不是你霸凌我的理由 导入语: 大家好,欢迎收听今天的里昂夜读,我是里昂。 相信每个人的学生时期,班里总会有一个“看起来好欺负”的胖子,一个总被别人压在肩膀下的矮个子,一个因为身材丰满而被男生们起哄的姑娘…… 看似一个无心的玩笑,却有可能在他人心中割下了一条重重的伤疤,也许过了很多很多年,都不会愈合。 希望每一个人在面对霸凌时,都变得勇敢。能勇敢地亲手拒绝这一切,也能勇敢地在别人被霸凌的时候站出来,让他们明白自己没有错。 Fast forward to the lowest points in my life, my grade school years (especially Grades 4–6). I was still taller compared to most of my batchmates, and I added some chub as well.  讲到我人生的低谷,也就是我小学的时候(特别是小学四年级到六年级),我还是比班里绝大多数同学要高,而且我还胖了。 I guess my appearance began to attract bullies as early as 1st Grade, when one of the girls wrote on one of the bathroom stalls, “Sara Tan pig, and she lives in Grade 1-C.” At first, I let it slide, but as the years went by, puberty hit me out of nowhere. As the weight in the scale began to increase, the bullying got worse.  我想我应该是早在一年级的时候就因为外貌受到欺负了,当时有个女生在厕所隔间里写“Sara Tan是头猪,她是一年级C班的”。起初我没在意,但是随着时间流逝,青春期把我怼了个不轻。体重不断增加,霸凌也加剧了。 Having bad acne and awfully fizzy hair with the weight gain did not help the situation. I became a target of bullying for the guys, calling me names like “Ogre” or “Ugly” or “Eeww”. Sometimes, people approach or talk to me as a bet from their friends. 脸上冒痘、头发也乱蓬蓬的、体重还只增不减,我的状况完全没有变好,变成了男生们霸凌的对象,他们给我取小名,像是什么“食人魔”、“丑八怪”、“恶心”等等。有时候他们过来跟我讲话是因为跟朋友打了赌。 I believe that whatever I experienced in the past taught me to become resilient in rough times and hope for a better future. Sure, I could have fought back, but given my low self-confidence, shattered self-esteem and how much I hate myself because I did not fit in with the crowd, I simply cried whenever I was alone and distract myself with drawing. 我相信过去经历的所有事情都教会了我要在逆境中坚忍不拔,对未来怀抱期望。没错,我是可以当时就还击的,但是我那时候很不自信,自尊也受损,而且因为不合群,我很讨厌自己,正因为这些,所以我就哭啊,一个人哭,只能用画画转移注意力。 Currently, I am in college. A couple of years ago, I started changing my eating habits and began implementing workout sessions 4–6 times a week. It didn’t take long for me to lose the chub, and my acne became clearer and I gained a whole lot of self-confidence and self-love. 现在我上大学了。几年前我就开始改变自己的饮食习惯,每周锻炼4-6次。甩掉肥肉也没花多长时间,痘痘也慢慢消下去了,而且我还变得更加自信自爱了。 I think that if it were not for the bullies who constantly taunt me for my appearance, my family who is concerned with my weight, and my own determination to lose that weight so that I won’t be a victim of bullying again, I wouldn’t have changed even for a bit. I am proud to say that whatever changes I did to myself, it made me healthier, happier and hopeful for a better future. 我觉得,如果没有那些欺负我的人成天奚落嘲讽我的外貌,没有我的家人担心我的体重,没有我自己为不受欺凌而减肥的决心,那么我一点改变也做不到。我可以很自豪的说,我对自己做出的改变,都让我更健康,更开心,更满怀希望。 结束语: 也许你我就曾是那个被欺负的胖子 那个被人嘲笑的矮个子 那个被别人起哄的姑娘 …… 也许你也曾自我怀疑 是我讨人厌 是我长得丑 是我的问题吗 …… 不是的 霸凌这件事 无关对 都是错的 记住 这不是你的错 希望你变得勇敢 勇敢到在你成长为很酷的一个人 可以拯救自己之前 不会在心里留下伤疤 你曾被霸凌或霸凌过别人吗? 把你的故事说给我听吧