

2019-06-04    03'41''

主播: 良声英语

129 1

大家好,欢迎收听今天的里昂夜读,我是里昂。 分手可以说是人类情感史上最复杂的一项活动了。电视剧里只教会我们如何霸道总裁式的表白,却从来没有教过我们如何好好地面对分手。 没有谁会永远的陪着谁,善始善终才是善莫大焉。 After Breaking Up - How To Overcome Separation And Loneliness 分手后 - 如何克服分离和孤独 1. Accept that it is over, and that you have to move on to another phase in life. After all, one of the biggest failures of people whose partners have walked away from them, is their inability to accept the separation or accept that the person wants to move on. 要学会接受这段关系已经结束了,你必须要走向人生的另一个阶段。毕竟,那些与伴侣远去的人,最大的失败是他们无法接受分手,无法接受伴侣要离开的事实。 2. Accept that loneliness is normal. One of the worst things that you can do after a separation is crying yourself out because you are going to be lonely. It will be ok to cry, but cry only because you can’t believe you had wasted so much of your time with a jerk that was not really worth your time anyway. 要学会接受寂寞是正常的。你可以在分开之后大哭一场,因为你会觉得很孤单。哭是可以的,但哭只是因为你无法相信你浪费了这么多时间用来哭泣,这又是否真的值得你花时间呢。 3. Do not try to force yourself to forget the person. It will be ok to remember them, but focus on the bad - the drama, the pain, the stress, the misery, and the humiliating aspects of that relationship you had with them. 不要试图强迫自己忘记别人。你记住他们是可以的,但是专注于坏的方面——戏剧性、痛苦、压力、不幸,和曾经的羞辱。 And if you did, I would like you to tell me how you did it. 如果你做到了,我希望你能告诉我你是怎么做的。 结束语: 曾经真正的爱过 分手果断的离别 坦坦荡荡的 不为过去困于心 乱于情 从今往后一别两宽 各不相欠 你又是如何面对分手的呢? 把你的故事说给我听吧