

2019-06-04    03'40''

主播: 良声英语

145 1

大家好,欢迎收听今天的里昂夜读,我是里昂。 有人曾经问金庸:“人生应如何度过?” 他笑着回答:“大闹一场,悄然离去。” 只是当这一天真的来临,爱着金庸的人们,再怎么做好了告别的准备,依然抵不住生命离去的重击。 从《天龙八部》到《鹿鼎记》,他为我们编织了一个又一个瑰丽奇幻的武侠世界,教会我们什么是忠肝义胆、侠骨柔情——而这些写在书中的侠义,更像是他对自己的人生注解。 背景:英雄的黎明 朗读:美式发音 In My Life 在我的生命里 John Lennon There are places I'll remember 记忆之中,有几处地方 All my life, though some have changed 一些虽有变改,此生不忘 Some forever, not for better 有的不会另谋,终生安伴此楼 Some have gone and some remain 有的已远离,有的留于世 All these places had their moments 处处皆有所思 With lovers and friends, I still can recall 回望爱侣亲朋 Some are dead and some are living 有的如今已陨落,有的人世或可逢 In my life, I've loved them all 生命之中,我一一爱过 But of all these friends and lovers 纵无数前人旧友 There is no one compares with you 无一可与你相比 And these memories lose their meaning 倘若重新给爱定义 When I think of love as something new 与你无关便无意义 Though I know I'll never lose affection 也许,往事不及忘却 For people and things that went before 怀有依恋万千 I know I'll often stop and think about them 驻足追忆无足说 In my life, I'll love you more 但生命之中,我爱你最多 Though I know I'll never lose affection 也许,往事不及忘却 For people and things that went before 怀有依恋万千 I know I'll often stop and think about them 驻足追忆无足说 In my life, I'll love you more 但生命之中,我爱你最多 In my life, I'll love you more 生命之中,我爱你最多 晚安寄语: 飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳。 独孤封剑神僧故,江湖一部笑忘书。 金庸先生的作品陪伴着几代人的成长, 你最喜欢哪一部? 留言告诉我吧