

2019-06-25    02'04''

主播: 良声英语

1164 15

SMILE 微笑 Debbie Sharp 黛比·夏普 背景:S.E.N.S. - 沉醉于风中 朗读:美式发音 Smile when you are happy, Smile when you are sad, Smile when things go good, Smile when things go bad. 开心的时候笑一笑 伤心的时候也要笑一笑 诸事顺利之时会心一笑 事有不顺之时置之一笑 Smile each and every day, And just think good things, Then you will reap all of the rewards, Of all that a good life brings. 每天都以微笑面对 着眼于生活中的美好 这样才能收获生活的美好