

2019-09-17    01'36''

主播: 良声英语

1679 13

In the spirit of friendship 以友谊之名 背景:Elise Lebec、David Darling - Heart Song Avec Cello 朗读:美式发音 In the spirit of friendship, I give you my unconditional love When your heart hurts mine hurts for you When tears fall from your eyes, My heart weeps 以友谊之名 你拥有我无条件的爱 当你心痛的时候 我的心也随之颤动 当你的眼泪夺眶而出 我的心也在默默啜泣 From my heart to yours, I know how to ease your pain Just take me up on my offers I expect nothing in return other than a flicker of hope that your eyes might smile and show some way, way, way over due relief 你我心意相连 我知道怎样安抚 收下我的这份心意 我别无他求 只想让你的哭泣绽出微笑 只想让那久违的释怀 出现在你心里 The one thing I want to tell you that the further you fall…. The higher you will bounce I promise you If you remember nothing else, remember… In the spirit of friendship, I give you my unconditional love 我只想告诉你 磨难越大 收获越大 不求别的 记住这一件事 以友谊的名义 你有我无条件的爱