

2020-03-31    03'10''

主播: 良声英语

1931 17

Never Give Up 永不放弃 Vexento 维克辛托 背景:Bernward Koch - Threads of Mystery 朗读:美式发音 There're some times in life when you fall down 生活中总会遇到低谷 And you feel like you don't have the strength to back up 而你觉得你已经没有力气坚持下去了 So... Sort of put a mask on your face when you come to school and... 所以当你去学校的时候你也许会带上面具 Pretend that everything's okay when it's not and you go home and... 假装一切都好而事实上并不尽然,你回到家后 Lay in your bed when no one's looking at you 默默地倒在床上而没有人在意你 You don't have to impress anybody 你不必取悦任何人 And you're yourself 你就是你 And fear comes in 然后恐惧来袭 You know the fear that you have as soon as you walk to the doors of your house 你知道你每每走到家门口时的恐惧 Maybe there's a broken home 可能是因为你的家支离破碎 Maybe you have doubt in your life 可能是因为你怀疑你的生活 Maybe you don't know for sure what's gonna be happening in the future and... 可能是因为你不知道未来将要发生什么 It scares you 你害怕 Maybe about.... You... Maybe you worried about what people think of you 可能...可能是你担心人们会怎样看你 What people saying about you 怎样议论你吧 Does that fear paralyses you and I just wanted to ask you today 我今天只想问你,你已经被恐惧麻痹了吗? Do you think you have hope? 你难道觉得你没有希望了吗? I'm not here today to tell you I understand your pain 我不是来告诉你我理解你的痛苦的 I don't know how it feels to be abused 我并不知道被抛弃是什么感觉 I don't know how it feels to feel quote fat and you get an eating disorder 我并不知道因为肥胖而导致了饮食失调是什么感觉 I don't know how it feels to have a broken home 我不知道有一个支离破碎的家庭是什么感觉 But I know how it feels to have a broken heart and I know how it feels to be alone 但我知道心碎的感觉,我知道孤单的感觉 And I just want you to know that it's not the end... 而且我想告诉你痛苦并不会结束... You change yourself 于是你改变你自己 You come to school 你去学校的时候 And everybody swore around me in high school 你说在学校每个人都围着我咒骂 So I started swearing... Why!? 所以我也开始了咒骂...为什么!? Because it's the cool thing to do 因为那确实是一件很酷的事情 Everybody swears 每个人都咒骂 So I don't want to be left out 我不想被别人忽略 And I wanted to be accepted 我想被其他人接受 So I started swearing 所以我开始了咒骂 You go to a party 你去参加派对的时候 Everybody's drinking 每个人都喝酒 So you drink... Why!? 所以你也喝酒...为什么!? Why everybody around me's doing the big deal! 你说为什么我周围的每个人都在做着了不起的事! And you start losing yourself 然后你开始迷失自我 You start putting your security in temporary things 你开始在一些转瞬即逝的事物上寻求安全感 You start putting your happiness in things that won't last 你开始在一些转瞬即逝的事物上寻求幸福 You can get drunk all you like 你可以任由自己喝醉 But in the morning you're gonna be sober with a headache with the same problems 但是明天早上当你伴着头痛醒来时,相同的问题依然存在