【Biscuit and the lost teddy bear】
Woof, woof! What do you see, Biscuit?
Is it a bird? Woof, woof!
“What do you see, Biscuit?”
Is it a butterfly? Woof, woof!
Oh, Biscuit. It is a teddy bear! Woof, woof!
“Someone lost a teddy bear.”
“Is this your teddy bear, Sam?”
“No. It is not Sam’s bear.”
“Is this your teddy bear, Puddles?”
“No. It is not Puddles’s bear.”
“Someone lost a teddy bear.”
“But who can it be?”
“What do you see now?”
“Biscuit sees a big truck.”
“Biscuit sees a lot of boxes.”
“Biscuit sees a little boy, too.”
“Is this your teddy bear, little boy?
“Yes. It is!”
“The little boy lost his teddy bear, Biscuit, but you found it!”
“The teddy bear gets a big hug.”
“And Biscuit gets a big hug, too!”