【节气12】Great Heat 大暑

【节气12】Great Heat 大暑

2017-07-23    01'56''

主播: Shunnie奇妙的世界

39 1

【节气】Great Heat 大暑 The hottest days are coming. Fireflies and dragonflies are coming out to play.      Today is dashu, the Great Heat. It is the 12th solar term of the year and the last one of summer. It falls on July 22, 23 or 24 each year.     During the Great Heat, the weather is both hot and humid. How can we avoid heatstroke? Please drink more water and go outdoors less at noon.     The lotus flowers blossom in summer. After dinner, when it is cooler, you can go for a walk by the lake and enjoy the lotus flowers.       The fireflies come out in the hot summer nights. The ancient Chinese believed that the rotten grass turned into fireflies in summer.      Customs around the country include having desserts for summer, having mutton soup, and eating pineapples. 中文大意         最热的时候就要到了。萤火虫和蜻蜓都出来玩儿啦。         今天是大暑,二十四节气的第十二个节气,也是夏季的最后一个节气。大暑在每年7月22日、23日或24日。         大暑期间,天气既炎热又潮湿。如何才能避免中暑呢?请多喝水,尽量不在正午时间外出。         夏季荷花盛开。晚餐后,去湖边散步吧,在凉爽的傍晚,欣赏荷花美景。         夏季的夜晚,萤火虫出来活动。古人相信萤火虫是大暑期间的腐草所化。         大暑风俗有吃夏季甜品、喝羊肉汤、吃凤梨等。 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~