I am系列《I am a leaf》

I am系列《I am a leaf》

2018-08-08    04'09''

主播: Nicole宝宝☘️🍄

187 1

《I am a leaf》 Hi !I'm a leaf. I live on a maple tree. See the ladybug? She's crawling on me. It tickles ! Many leaves live in my tree. We have a summer job. We make tree food. We make it from air and sunlight. Mm-m-m That sun feels good. We also need water to make tree food. Rainwater goes into the soil. It goes into the tree's roots. It goes up the tree. It flows into my veins. My veins are like little pipes. I mix sunlight, air, and water. Then I add something green. It's called chlorophyll(KLOR-o-fill). Chlorophyll is green. It makes me green. All summer long,I have made tree food. Once a caterpillar came by. Nibble.Nibble.Nibble. It ate a little hole in me. But I still did my job. Once a spider came by Busy.Busy.Busy It made a big web But I still did my job. Once a squirrel jumped on me. Boing!Boing!Boing! It ran right over me! But I still did my job. Now fall has come My work is over My green goes away Now I am ed! Yellow! Orange! It's party time! All the leaves in my tree are turning colors ! People ooh and aah The wind blows.We break away. We dance with the wind. Whee-ee ! Gently, we land on the ground. We rest. Winter has come The forest is white with snow. Some trees stay green. They are called evergreens. Slowly, leaves turn into soil. The soil holds roots. The soil holds water. The soil holds animals.sleeping in dens Winter is over The soil warms. Hi!I'm a baby leaf. Spring is here. I'm the first bud to sprout in my tree. I'm growing fast. Soon I'll get a job. What will it be? Mm-m-m. That sun feels good. MORE ABOUT LEAVES Leaves come in many sizes and shapes Most leaves make food for their plants Which leaves are good for people to eat ? ( Salad leaves and spinach leaves.)