20170104 《一次爽约》A broken appointment托马斯•哈代

20170104 《一次爽约》A broken appointment托马斯•哈代

2017-01-04    02'46''

主播: 英语白米FUN

166 6

今天想和大家分享的是Thomas Hardy的《一次爽约》A broken appointment,哈代是一位英国作家。出生于没落的贵族家庭。做过建筑师助手。19世纪60年代中期转向文学活动。一生写有许多作品。其代表作当属《苔丝》和《无名的裘德》。不过他是一位作家的同时也是一位诗人。 《一次爽约》描述的是主人公在等他的心上人与他见面,可她却迟迟未来。他焦虑不安,希望她能怜悯一下自己,这都不可以,他倍感失望!本诗篇章短小,笔墨简洁,句句都诉说了主人公的心,基调深沉,感情细腻。 爱情因为完美而让人向往,爱情也因为不完美而显得真挚。这首小诗描述的就是这种意境。 A Broken Appointment一次爽约 You did not come, And marching Time drew on, and wore me numb. Yet less for loss of your dear presence there Than that I thus found lacking in your make That high compassion which can overbear Reluctance for pure lovingkindness’ sake Grieved I, when, as the hope-hour stroked its sum, You did not come. You love not me, And love alone can lend you loyalty— I know and knew it. But, unto the store Of human deeds divine in all but name, Was it not worth a little hour or more To add yet this: Once you, a woman, came To soothe a time-torn man; even though it be You love not me