Tuesdays with Morrie, strut

Tuesdays with Morrie, strut

2019-04-23    00'26''

主播: Miss美语发音

213 0

Miss美语发音 In fact, I lost contact with most of the people I knew in college, including my beer-drinking friends and the first woman I ever woke up with in the morning. The years after graduation hardened me into someone quite different from the strutting graduate who left campus that day headed for New York City, ready to offer the world his talent. harden /ˈhɑːrdn/ to make yourself become strict and determined and less sympathetic strut /strʌt/ to walk proudly with your head high and your chest pushed forwards, showing that you think you are important 目的: 熟悉单词 熟悉语流 熟悉阅读 同系列最近三篇: rousing beaker hobble 点击阅读原文,查看本栏目介绍。