Tuesdays with Morrie stubble

Tuesdays with Morrie stubble

2019-06-10    00'27''

主播: Miss美语发音

129 2

本专辑为Miss美语发音 读英文原版书学单词系列的辅助音频 I nodded, like a good student, and he exhaled weakly. I leaned over to give him a hug. And then, although it is not really like me, I kissed him on the cheek. I felt his weakened hands on my arms, the thin stubble of his whiskers brushing my face. stubble /ˈstʌbəl/ short stiff hairs that grow on a man’s face if he does not shave whisker /ˈwɪskər/ one of the hairs that grow on a man’s face brush /brʌʃ/ o accidentally touch someone or something lightly when passing them 目的: 熟悉单词 熟悉语流 熟悉阅读 同系列最近三篇: fitting loosen you up equalizer 点击阅读原文,查看本栏目介绍