Tuesdays with Morrie sag flop

Tuesdays with Morrie sag flop

2019-07-26    00'30''

主播: Miss美语发音

215 2

Of course, since Morrie only wore soft cotton shirts that hung loosely on his ever-shrinking frame, the microphone sagged and flopped, and I had to reach over and adjust it frequently. Morrie seemed to enjoy this because it brought me close to him, in hugging range, and his need for physical affection was stronger than ever. ,ever-&`&shrinking shrinking all the time sag /sæɡ/ to hang down or bend in the middle, especially because of the weight of something flop /flɑːp/ to hang or fall loosely, in an uncontrolled way in hugging range within the distance limits one can hug the other. 目的: 熟悉单词 熟悉语流 熟悉阅读 同系列最近三篇: lavaliere be teeming with shutout 点击阅读原文,查看本栏目介绍