scene 18 看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E3

scene 18 看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E3

2019-09-03    05'05''

主播: Miss美语发音

187 2

脱离字幕看美剧,发音表达一网打尽 Before you check the lines, make sure you have already tried your best to listen, to watch, and to learn by yourself. B-Barney M-Marshall R- Robin T-Ted L-Lily K-kids C-Carlos 1. the lines ... Barney: (laughing)Do you hear that,Ted? Dana works security at the Liberty Bell. The guy: I do, okay. Barney: Wow. It must be really well cordoned off over there. Do you ever go behind the rope and touch it. The guy: Only all the time. Barney: Do you ever, like, stick your head inside it? The guy: Yeah. Barney: Do you ever lick it? The guy: Nope, I have never licked it. Barney: Hmmm. I bet nobody in history has ever licked the Liberty Bell. If someone were to pull that off, I dare say it would be...what's the word?... Ted: Well, this is my stop. Barney: Legendary. Ted, Legendary. Ted: Barney, I'm going to the airport. Sasha, thank you. And, uh, tell your grandpa, I'm sorry I walked in on him in the bathroom. ... 2. words, phrases, sentences ... Barney: (laughing)Do you hear that, Ted? Dana works security at the Liberty Bell. The guy: I do, okay. Barney: Wow. It must be really well cordoned off over there. Do you ever go behind the rope and touch it. The guy: Only all the time. Barney: Do you ever, like, stick your head inside it? The guy: Yeah. Barney: Do you ever lick it? The guy: Nope, I have never licked it. Barney: Hmmm, I bet nobody in history has ever licked the Liberty Bell. If someone were to pull that off, I dare say it would be...what's the word?... Ted: Well, this is my stop. Barney: Legendary. Ted, Legendary. Ted: Barney, I'm going to the airport. Sasha, thank you. And, uh, tell your grandpa, I'm sorry I walked in on him in the bathroom. ... 3. pronunciation tips ... Barney: (laughing)Do you hear that,Ted? Dana works security at the Liberty Bell. The guy: I do, okay. Barney: Wow. It must be really well cordoned off over there. Do you ever go behind the rope and touch it. The guy: Only all the time. Barney: Do you ever, like, stick your head inside it? The guy: Yeah. Barney: Do you ever lick it? The guy: Nope, I have never licked it. Barney:Hmmm. I bet nobody in history has ever licked the Liberty Bell. If someone were to pull that off, I dare say it would be...what's the word?... Ted: Well, this is my stop. Barney: Legendary. Ted, Legendary. Ted: Barney, I'm going to the airport. Sasha, thank you. And, uh, tell your grandpa, I'm sorry I walked in on him in the bathroom. ... 提醒: 先看整集,不留悬念 关注表达,理清发音 模仿跟读,灵活运用 系统正音发音纠音学习请查看阅读原文 同系列近3篇: Scene 17 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语 Scene 16 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语 Scene 15 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语