scene 02讲解 看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E4

scene 02讲解 看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E4

2019-09-16    05'33''

主播: Miss美语发音

153 2

脱离字幕看美剧,发音表达一网打尽。 Before you check the lines, make sure you have already tried your best to listen, to watch, and to learn by yourself. B-Barney M-Marshall R- Robin T-Ted L-Lily K-kids C-Carlos 1. the lines ... R: Nice shirt. T: Right? Right? L: Look at those colors. Green and brown together at last! M: Hot top, bro. Is it new? T: That's the crazy part. I've had the shirt for like sixt years, until this morning I wan't into it at all; but now, it's like my tastes've changed. B: Bogger. T: Yes, hello, Barney. R: Barney's offered me 50 bucks to say some stupid word on a live news report. B: Not some stupid word, booger. R: But I'm not doing it. I'm a journalist. B: What? Journalist? You do the little fluff pieces a the end of news. Old people, babies, monkies. That's not journalism. That's just... things in a diaper. R: For your information, my boss is about to bump me up to... the City Hall beat. L: City Hall? Miss thing. R: So I'm not gonna jepordize my promotion by saying bogger for 50 bucks. B: Of course not. 'Cause now you're saying nipple and it's a hundred. Step into my web. ... 2. words, phrases, sentences ... R: Nice shirt. T: Right? Right? L: Look at those colors. Green and brown together at last! M: Hot top, bro. Is it new? T: That's the crazy part. I've had the shirt for like sixt years, until this morning I wan't into it at all; but now, it's like my tastes've changed. B: Bogger. T: Yes, hello, Barney. R: Barney's offered me 50 bucks to say some stupid word on a live news report. B: Not some stupid word, booger. R: But I'm not doing it. I'm a journalist. B: What? Journalist? You do the little fluff pieces a the end of news. Old people, babies, monkies. That's not journalism. That's just... things in a diaper. R: For your information, my boss is about to bump me up to... the City Hall beat. L: City Hall? Miss thing. R: So I'm not gonna jepordize my promotion by saying bogger for 50 bucks. B: Of course not. 'Cause now you're saying nipple and it's a hundred. Step into my web. ... 3. pronunciation tips ... R: Nice shirt. T: Right? Right? L: Look at those colors. Green and brown together at last! M: Hot top, bro. Is it new? T: That's the crazy part. I've had the shirt for like sixt years, until this morning I wan't into it at all; but now, it's like my tastes've changed. B: Bogger. T: Yes, hello, Barney. R: Barney's offered me 50 bucks to say some stupid word on a live news report. B: Not some stupid word, booger. R: But I'm not doing it. I'm a journalist. B: What? Journalist? You do the little fluff pieces a the end of news. Old people, babies, monkies. That's not journalism. That's just... things in a diaper. R: For your information, my boss is about to bump me up to... the City Hall beat. L: City Hall? Miss thing. R: So I'm not gonna jepordize my promotion by saying bogger for 50 bucks. B: Of course not. 'Cause now you're saying nipple and it's a hundred. Step into my web. ... 提醒: 先看整集,不留悬念 关注表达,理清发音 模仿跟读,灵活运用 系统正音发音纠音学习请查看阅读原文 同系列近3篇: Scene 01 HIMYM S01E04 看美剧学英语口语 Scene 21 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语 Scene 20 HIMYM S01E03 看美剧学英语口语