Tuesdays with Morrie engender

Tuesdays with Morrie engender

2019-09-21    00'30''

主播: Miss美语发音

210 0

英文原版书阅读学单词 Morrie look at the body behind the glass, the body of the man who had scolded him and molded him and taught him to work. The horror of the room, he would later say, sucked all other functions out of him. He didn't cry until days later. Every birth must therefore engender a death, and every death bring forth another birth. mold /moʊld/ to influence the way someone’s character or attitudes develop suck /sʌk/ to pull something with great power and force into or out of a particular place engender /ɪnˈdʒendər/ to be the cause of a situation bring forth something to produce something or make it appear 同系列最近三篇: morgue wallhanging gobble up 点击阅读原文,查看本栏目介绍