My Heart Left My Heart 12.20

My Heart Left My Heart 12.20

2018-12-20    06'22''

主播: Grace - The Nectar of Pain

337 1

My Heart Left my Heart   Once upon a time, Like a child, I ran to the footsteps of your door. I left the letter I had been writing for days. I feared you’d see me, so I quickly knocked and hid where I could see you but you could not see me. For nights on end, I had written to you with My heart and soul. I had gotten lost in my lines, hoping that you’d Read me between them. I had written my words so they wouldn’t show through my eyes. I wrote: “I captured the stars from the skies And put them in your eyes. I took the pearls from my oceans And placed them in your hands. I played the strings of the most beautiful melodies To the beats of your heart. I loved the darkness out of you. I walked your heart home. But I did not realize that my home became dark And that my heart left my heart. “ I waited for you to open the door, To red my letter, To read my heart. As you opened the door, my heart fell. As you opened the paper and within a moment ripped it into pieces, you ripped my heart out again, As you did Once upon a time.   Now I realize that You cannot make someone Listen to you or hear you If they do not want to                                       我的心离开了我的心    很久以前, 像孩子一样。 我奔向你门前的台阶。 悄悄留下我写了好几天的信。 我怕被你看见,所以 我轻敲房门,并赶紧逃走,躲到 我可以看见你,你却看不到我的地方。 在每个夜里,我不停地给你写信 用我的心和灵魂去写。 我写得忘乎所以,希望你能读懂 在我字里行间藏着的那些话语。 我必须要写下来, 否则我的眼睛就要出卖我, 让你听到我的心。 我写道: “我从天空摘取星星 只为 把他们放在你的眼里。 我从海里取走珍珠  只为把它们放在你的手心。 我轻浮琴弦, 只为弹出最美的旋律 去陪伴你的心跳。 我爱你的黑暗。 我想要呵护你的心,送它回家。 但我却没有意识到,不知何时, 我的心房已变得一片漆黑 我的心离开了我的心。“ 我等着你开门, 去读我的信, 去读我的心。 可是就在那一瞬间, 就在你打开房门的那一刻, 我的心跌落到谷底。 当你展开信纸, 随即又撕碎信纸, 你撕碎了我的心。 就像从前 一样。   现在我终于懂了 人们不会去倾听你的声音 如果他们 不想