Divorce 从王宝强离婚我们能学到神马

Divorce 从王宝强离婚我们能学到神马

2016-08-19    17'53''

主播: Sean Freeman

345 14

微信公众号 搜索dailyblah 订阅,了解更丰富的口语文化知识。 新浪微博搜索关注SeanFreeman 免费观看最新daily blah视频和更多推送! 本期相关词汇 Yes, I did fall in love, but you didn’t catch me. 我为你倾倒 但你却没接住我 Have a nice life, I’m done trying to be in it. 以后你幸福 与我无关 When someone trusts you blindly, never prove them blind. 别让盲目信任你的人后悔自己瞎了眼 I was just another promise that you couldn’t keep. 守不住诺言的人也守不住人 My Six Word Love Story- She’s only sorry she got caught. 一句话形容我的爱情 ——她后悔的只是被发现劈腿 I like to forgive and forget.  Forgive myself for trusting you and forgetting you ever existed. 原谅后忘记 原谅我自己相信了你 忘记你的存在 Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair. 多年建立的信任 分分钟灰飞烟灭 永远无法修复 Don’t cry because it’s over.  Smile because it happened, laugh because she’s a dumbass, and walk away because you deserve better. 别因为结束而流泪 庆幸曾经发生过 笑她是个傻X 转身离开因为她配不上你 The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie will hurt forever. 真相只是阵痛 谎言才是永远的痛 Homewrecker 小三 file for divorce 申请离婚 trial separation 临时分居 reconcile 调解 和解 divorce lawyer/court 离婚 律师/法庭 settle out of court 庭外和解 alimony 赡养费 full/joint custody 全部/联合 监护权 child support 抚养费 visitation rights 探视权 to take the plunge to take a chance and ask someone to marry you 结婚 to tie the knot to get married 结婚 til death do us part one of the vows/promises that couples make in a wedding meaning that &`&we will be together forever&`& 至死不渝 ups and downs in good times and bad times 起起落落 to not see eye to eye to disagree 有分歧 不能达成一致 agree to disagree respect different opinions 总重不同意见 to fight like cats and dogs constantly fighting 不停地吵架 clear the air to solve a problem by speaking about it 沟通 to work things out to solve a problem by talking about it together 沟通 to go your separate ways to separate permanently 各走各的