更多节目请关注:FM1065196 CathyChen音乐英语课堂
PS:在句法处理部分提到的书,由Gyorgy Sandor 所著的《On Piano Playing》,以下是摘自亚马逊的该书介绍:
Preface. PART ONE: THE DETERMINING FACTORS IN PIANO TECHNIQUE. 1. Music, Motions and Emotions. 2. The Piano. 3. The Human Performing Mechanism. PART TWO: BASIC TECHNICAL PATTERNS. 4. Free Fall. 5. Five-Fingers, Scales, and Arpeggios. 6. Rotation. 7. Staccato. 8. Thrust. 9. Summary of the Basic Technical Patterns. PART THREE: TECHNIQUE BECOMES MUSIC. 10. Identification and Application of the Basic Technical Patterns. 11. Independence and Interdependence. 12. The Pedals. 13. Singing Tone. 14. Practicing. 15. Memorization. 16. Musical Diction. 17. Public Performance. 18. Mannerisms and Excess Energy. Index.
From the Back Cover封底
On Piano Playing is Gyorgy Sandor&`&s complete, practical program for developing the physical skills essential to accomplished playing.