

2019-08-17    05'59''

主播: BYmyself

163 4

Youth 青春 Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. 青春不是人生的一段,而是心境的一种。 It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. 它不是桃面朱唇,不是四肢矫健;它是坚定的意志力,旺盛的想象力,充沛的感受力,它是生命之深泉的清澈涓流。 Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. 青春意味着奋不顾身,它鄙视怯懦不前。青春是锐意进取,而非苟且偷安。 This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. 这锋芒,却多存于六旬老翁,而非年方二十的后生。 Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. 催人老去的并非仅是流逝的年华。 We grow old by deserting our ideals. 理想丢弃后,人们才变得老迈不堪。 Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. 岁月也许侵蚀了肌肤;但热情的退却,侵蚀灵魂。 Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirits back to dust. 忧虑、恐惧、自我怀疑,它们扭曲心灵,将灵魂碾为灰烬。 Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. 花甲之年也好,二八年华也罢,每个人心中都存有对奇迹的渴望,对未来如赤子般的渴求,对生命旅程的欣喜若狂。 In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young. 在你我的心中,都有一座无线电台:在你能接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气、以及来自人类和神明力量的信号时,你始终风华正茂。 When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you have grown old, even at 20. 当那天线掉落,你的灵魂旋即如冰雪一般,被愤怒和颓废掩盖。这时,弱冠之年的你,却已暮气沉沉。 But as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80. 如果那矗立空中的天线依然在接受着乐天的信号,就算耄耋之年辞世时,你依然是青葱少年的模样。
下一期: 找个心疼你的人结婚 有多重要