

2016-10-09    02'44''

主播: CEC攻克英语俱乐部联盟

290 13

And I'm Kathleen Kennedy, here's your Headline Prime News Break. There's another reason to stay fit and avoid smoking. A new study finds a middle- aged men who do those things improve your chances of living past 85. Other factors linked to longevity are a low blood pressure, a high education level and being married. 这里是由凯瑟琳.肯尼迪给你带来的重要新闻插播。给你一个保持健康,并且远离吸烟的理由。一项新研究表明,能够做到以上两点,的中年男性可以使其寿命超过85岁。低血压、受教育水平以及婚姻状况也是以长寿相关的因素。 请推荐给更多的小伙伴们, 欢迎关: 注国际口译口语 你可以进俱乐部联盟的学习系列节目! 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~