CEC大学生攻克英语俱乐部联盟*Daily English每日英语* 】10/27,Day32: The Most Beautiful Kingdom
The name /“Italy” / is extremely old. /It seems / to have been used first / in the documents of the 5th century BC. To describe a small territory /at the tip of the boot-shaped peninsula/ that extends into /the Mediterranean Sea. /Historians used to think / that the name /came from that of a legendary king, Italo. Many other ingenious /and improbable theories have been suggested to explain the origin of the name.
No matter what its origins,/the name of /that small territory /at the tip of the boot spreads,/little by little,/to indicate the whole peninsula./By about AD1000 / the name /designated a region,/ a dialect,/and a culture,/ but it was not until /the mid-19th century/ that the many separate nations/on the peninsula/were until united into one nation,/ the nation to which the ancient name/ “Italy” /was given.