Wecome song(音乐课欢迎歌)

Wecome song(音乐课欢迎歌)

2016-11-16    01'15''

主播: 金宝贝早教济南中心

4665 58

《welcome song》 Welcome welcome everyone Now you are here let’s have some fun First we’ll clap our hands just so Then we’ll reach and touch our toes Welcome welcome everyone Now you are here let’s have some fun ………… 想要及时收听更多的故事和音乐,请关注订阅Gymbo哦! 微信公众平台:济南金宝贝 ! 微博:金宝贝济南中心 ——时刻陪伴儿童成长的伙伴! 另外还有获赠的早教课程一节,快来抢先预约吧:https://www.wenjuan.com/s/RzMZby/