Floppy had a bone.Floppy得到一根骨头。
A dog took the bone.一只狗狗抢走了骨头。
Floppy ran after the dog.Floppy 跟在那只狗狗后面追。
“Come back!”said Mum.妈妈说:“回来!”
She ran after Floppy.她跟在Floppy后面追。
“Come back!”said Da.爸爸说:“回来!”
He ran after Mum.他跟在妈妈后面追.。
“Come back!”said Biff and Chip.Biff和Chip说:“回来!”
They ran after Dad.他们跟在爸爸后面追。
The dog stopped.那狗狗停下来了。
A big dog took the bone.一只大狗抢走了骨头。
The big dog ate the bone.大狗吃掉了骨头。
Oh no!哦,不!