71 The Water Fight语音详解

71 The Water Fight语音详解

2019-09-09    06'43''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

2291 16

Everyone was hot. 每一个人都很热。   The children wanted to go swimming. 孩子们想去游泳。 Dad said “No!” 爸爸说,“不去!”   Biff got the paddling pool. Biff 拿出来戏水池。 Kipper filled it with water. Kipper 把它充满水。   Chip pushed Biff in the water. Chip 把Biff 推进了水里。 He grabbed the hose. 他抓住水管。   They had a water fight. 他们打水仗。   Mum got wet. 妈妈被弄湿了。 “Stop it !”said Dad. “住手!”爸爸说。   Dad got a bucket of water. 爸爸拿了一桶水。 He chased Chip. 他追赶Chip.   Dad threw the water at Chip. 爸爸把水泼向了Chip. Oh no !  哦,不! “Sorry!”said Dad. “对不起!”爸爸说。