123 On the Sand语音讲解

123 On the Sand语音讲解

2020-06-22    07'22''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1877 18

Biff and Chip played on the sand. Biff和Chip在沙滩上玩耍。 Dad went to sleep. 爸爸睡着了。 Biff and Chip put sand on Dad. Biff和Chip把沙子埋在爸爸身上。 They made a sandcastle. 他们做了一个沙堡。 They put Dad’s hat on top. 他们把爸爸的帽子放在上面。 They went to get an ice-cream. 他们去买冰淇淋。 Dad was still asleep. 爸爸还在睡觉。 Chip looked at the donkeys. Chip看着驴子。 Biff looked at the boat. Biff看着小船。 They looked at the go-karts. 他们看着卡丁车。 They looked at Dad’s hat. 他们看了看爸爸的帽子。 ‘Oh no!’ said Biff. “哦,不!”Biff说。 Dad was hiding. 爸爸藏起来了。 Biff was cross. Biff生气了。 The hat was on a stick. 爸爸将帽子戴在一根棍子上。