126 The Steel Band故事讲解

126 The Steel Band故事讲解

2020-07-02    11'15''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1898 20

The steel Band  钢鼓乐队 A band came to play.  一支乐队来演出。 " My name is Stan," said a man. 其中一个男人说:“我的名字叫Stan. " I want you to help us." “ 我想让你们来帮助我们。” " I want you to clap," he said. 他说:“ 我想让你们来拍手。” " Clap your hands and tap your feet." “ 跟着节奏一起拍手和跺脚。” " I want you to sing a song." “ 我想让你(们)来唱一首歌。” " Sing it with us." “ 和我们一起来唱。 The children sang with the band. 孩子们和乐队一起唱了歌。 " Now clap as you sing, " said Stan. Stan说:“ 现在,一边唱一边拍手。” " Who wants to play in hte band?" “ 谁想要和我们乐队一起演出呢?” The children put up their hands. 孩子们都举起了手。 Everyone wanted to play. 每个人都想上去表演。 " You can all play, " said Stan. Stan说 “ 你们都可以来。” Wilf hit the drum. wilf在打鼓。 ' Tap it,' said Stan. " Don't bang it." Stan说:“ 要敲它,不是砸它。” What a grand band! 多么棒的乐队啊!