141 A Cat in the Tree 故事讲解

141 A Cat in the Tree 故事讲解

2020-09-20    15'45''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1924 28

a cat in the tree 一只猫在树上 Floppy barked at a cat. Floppy 冲着一只猫“汪汪”地叫。 The cat ran up a tree. 小猫吓得爬上了树。 Biff was cross with Floppy. Biff 冲着 Floppy 生气,训了他一顿。 Wilma climbed on the wall. Wilma 爬上了墙。 Wilma climbed up the tree. Wilma 爬上了树。 She couldn't get the cat. 但是她够不到那只猫。 Wilma couldn't get down. Wilma 下不来了。 Wilma's dad was cross. Wilma 的爸爸很生气。 He put the ladder up. 他架起了梯子。 Wilma climbed down. Wilma 顺着梯子爬了下来。 Wilma's dad climbed the tree. Wilma 的爸爸也爬上了树。 He couldn't get the cat. 他也够不到那只猫。 Wilma's dad was stuck. Wilma 的爸爸被困在了树上。 The cat jumped down. 那只猫跳了下来。 The fireman put a ladder up. 消防员来了,架起了梯子。 Wilma's dad climbed down. Wilma 的爸爸顺着梯子爬了下来。 " Oh no!" said everyone. “天啊,不!”所有人都吃惊地喊道。