156 Mister Haggis语音讲解

156 Mister Haggis语音讲解

2020-12-02    11'57''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1496 7

Mister haggis Haggis 先生 A parrot flew on to the shed. 一只鹦鹉飞到小屋上。 The parrot was green with a red head. 鹦鹉长着绿色的身体,红色的脑袋。 Dad ran down to see it. 爸爸跑去看看。  The parrot flew down and sat on Dad's head. 鹦鹉飞下来,落在爸爸的头上。 "Mister Haggis!"it said. “Haggis先生。”它说。 Then it sat on Dad's arm. 它坐在爸爸的手臂上。 "Sing us a song,"it said. “给我们唱首歌吧。” 它说。 "Oh!"said Wilf."Can we keep it?" “哦!” Wilf说,“我们能留下它吗?” "No,"said Mum. “不行。” 妈妈说。 Mum put up a poster. 妈妈贴了一张失物招领。 "It is a missing parrot,"she said. “一只丢失的鹦鹉。” 她说。 "Sing us a song,"said the parrot. ”给我们唱首歌吧。” 鹦鹉说。 Mum got food for the parrot. 妈妈给鹦鹉取来食物。 "Night-night,Mister Haggis,"it said. “晚安,Haggis 先生。” 它说。 "Will it ever stop chattering?"said Wilma. “它能停下唠叨吗?” Wilma 说。 The parrot did not stop. 鹦鹉没有停下来。 "Night-night,Mister Haggis,"it said. “晚安,Haggis 先生。” 它说。 At last a man came. 后来,来了一名男子。 "Can you stop him chattering?"said Wilma. “您能让它停在说话吗?” Wilma 说。 "Yes,but you need to cover him up,"he said. “可以,只要盖起来就可以了。”他说。 "Night-night,Mister Haggis,"said the man. “晚安,Haggis 先生。” 男子说。