163 Quick!Quick!g故事讲解

163 Quick!Quick!g故事讲解

2021-01-03    15'52''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1530 12

The ball shot off. 球飞了出去。 Bad luck! 真不幸! "I can get it" said Kipper. “我能搞定,”Kipper说。 But Kipper got stuck. 但是Kipper被卡住了。 “Quick,getme out.” “快点救我出来!” Biff ran to get Dad. Biff跑去找爸爸。 “Quick,quick.” “快点快点。” “What is it?” “什么事?” "Kipper is stuck," said Biff. “Kipper卡住了,”Biff说。 "I can get him out," said Dad. “我可以把他弄出来,”爸爸说。 “Ouch,ouch.” “哎哟,哎哟。” "He is still stuck," said Biff. “他仍然被困住了,”Biff说。 Dad rang Mum. 爸爸打电话给妈妈。 “Quick,quick.” “快点快点。” “What is it?” “什么事?” "Kipper is stuck," said Dad. “Kipper卡住了,”爸爸说。 Mum got a big stick. 妈妈有一根大棍子。 “Will this do it?” “这会有用吗?” "Ouch,"said Kipper. "I am still stuck." Kipper说:“哎哟,我还是被困住了。” Wilma ran to get her dad. Wilma跑去找她爸爸。 “Quick,quick.” “快点快点。” “What is it?” “什么事?” "Kipper is stuck," said Wilma. “Kipper卡住了,” Wilma说。 Wilma’s dad got his jack. Wilma的爸爸拿出了他的千斤顶。 “The jack will get him out.” “这个千斤顶可以把他救出来。” Kipper got out. Kipper 出来了。 “I can get the ball.” “我可以拿到球。” Dad was stuck. 爸爸被卡住了。 “Ouch!Get me out!” “哎哟!救我出来!”