164 Missing故事讲解

164 Missing故事讲解

2021-01-05    16'45''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1504 13

Nadim had a hamster. He call it Jaws. Nadim养了一只仓鼠。 他管它叫“Jaws”。 "Jaws is a funny name for a hamster." said Biff. “一只叫Jaws的仓鼠,这名字有意思” Biff说。 Nadim put Jaws in his cage, but he forgot to shut the cage door. Nadim把Jaws关在笼子里,可是他忘了把笼子的门给关上。 Jaws got out of the cage and run off. Jaws就这样出了笼子,跑掉了。 Nadim saw the cage was open. "Oh, no!" he said. Nadim看到笼子开了。 “哦,不是吧”他说。 Nadim was upset. "Jaws has run off." said Nadim Nadim很焦虑。 “Jaws跑出去了。”他对大家说 "We can look for him." said Biff. They looked and looked. “我们找找看吧”Biff说。 他们找啊找啊。 Biff looked under the sink. Chip looked in the fridge. Nadim looked under the cupboard. Biff在水槽下面找。 Chip在冰箱里面找。 Nadim在茶水台下面找。 Nadim's dad looked under the floor. "Is Jaws down here?" he said. Nadim的爸爸在地板下面找。 “Jaws会在下面吗?”他说。 Then Chip had an idea. "Let's get Floppy. He can help us." Chip有了个主意。 “我们去找Floppy帮忙吧。” Here comes Floppy! Sniff, sniff, went Floppy. Floppy来了。 它到处闻啊闻。 Sniff, sniff! SNIFF! SNIFF! "Look in there." said Chip. 闻啊闻,闻啊闻 “看那儿。” Chip说。 Jaws was in the clothes basket. He had made a nest. 原来Jaws躲在衣服篮里, 还给自己做了个窝。 "Look!" said Nadim, "You can see why I called him Jaws." “你们看看!”Nadim说,“现在你们知道为什么我叫它Jaws了吧。”