171 The New House新房子故事讲解

171 The New House新房子故事讲解

2021-02-28    14'48''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1305 10

The New House 新房子 A van came to the house. 一辆货车开到房子前。    " What a big van! " said Chip. “ 这辆货车真大啊!”Chip 说道。  "What b big man!"said Kipper. “这个男人真大啊!” Kipper 说道。   The man looked at the things. 男人看着这些东西。 " What a lot of things! " he said. “ 要搬的东西可真多啊!” 他说道。   Mum and Dad helped the man. 妈妈和爸爸一起来帮忙。  They put things in the van. 他们把东西搬到货车里。 " What a job! "said Dad. “ 搬家可真累啊!”爸爸说道。    The children helped too. 孩子们也来帮忙。  Kipper put his toys in the van. Kipper 把他的玩具放进车里。  Biff and Chip put the go-kart in. Biff 和 Chip 把玩具车放进去。    They put a box in the van. 他们把箱子放进货车里。 " What a big box! " said Biff. “ 这箱子可真大啊!” Biff 说道。 " What a job!"said everyone. “ 搬家可真累啊!” 所有人都说道。    " Goodbye," said Biff. “再见 。” Biff说。  " Goodbye,"said Chip. “再见 。” Chip说。 "Come and play soon," they said. “ 过段时间过来玩呀!” 他们说道。    The van went to the new house. 货车开到新房子那儿去了。 Dad looked at Biff and Chip. 爸爸看了一眼 Biff 和 Chip。 " Oh no! " said Biff and Chip. “哦,不!” Biff 和 Chip 说道。    " What a job! " they said. “ 搬家可真累啊!” 他们说道。