【No.12 前往巴西观看世界杯指南】

【No.12 前往巴西观看世界杯指南】

2014-06-12    04'27''

主播: 英语口语每天学

80081 4871

The world cup is just around the corner. 世界杯马上就要到了 About 600,000 international travelers will go to Brazil for the World Cup今年,全世界大约会有60万的游客前往巴西去观看世界杯. If you are one of the lucky travelers headed to Brazil, here are a few suggestions for making sure your trip is great. 如果你有幸前往巴西,这里有一些有用的建议给你。 1. Have your documents in order 整理好你的证件 Your passport should have at least six months left before it expires. 你的护照至少应该有半年的有效期;Make a copy of your passport and health information to carry with you and leave the original in a secure location like the hotel safe.复印一份护照和健康证明,并随身携带。把原件留在像宾馆保险箱一样的安全地点 While traveling,keep your documents and any other important papers with you — use a zippered plastic bag to keep them together and dry. 在出游时,随身携带你的证件和其他重要的文件,用一个封口的塑料袋子来装,保证其规整和干燥; 2. Share your itinerary with family and friends 将你的日常安排告诉家人和朋友 Write down your itinerary, including flights, hotel information, contact numbers and dates of travel, and give it to a friend or family member who will be able to help if anything happens. 记下你的行程,包括航班号,宾馆信息,联系方式和旅行的时间,把这些信息分享给你的家人和朋友,以防万一; 3. Track your budget 做好预算; The average foreign tourist will spend $2,500 to attend the World Cup. 外国游客参加世界杯的平均花费为2500美元。A large part of the cost is the flight to Brazil. 很大一部分是机票费用。Once you're there, you can save money by avoiding very touristy restaurants and a grocery store.当你到达巴西时,就可以避免去一些游客经常光顾的餐厅或者杂货店,这样就可以省钱。 While saving money is always attractive, 省钱总是好的also know when it is better to spend a little more. 但是适时也需要花一点。For example, better to pay a standard and transparent rate than try to save a little and end up in a jam.比如,有的时候就需要花钱去打车,不要为了省钱而使自己遭遇堵车的困境; 4. Learn the key phrases in Portuguese学些有用的西班牙语 learning a few words and phrases can make getting around much easier.学习一些词会让你的出游更加便利; there are a lot of apps on the internet, which help you to learn basic portugues.