

2014-06-16    03'16''

主播: 英语口语每天学

62144 5290

Third wheel,in english :One who deters /dɪˈtɜː/ the socialization of a couple, perhaps when being invited out of pitty or through a feeling of duty. The third wheel may feel uncomfortable about watching the couple canoodle [kə'nuːd(ə)l] on his her her sofa, Third wheel呢,是这样的一个人,他妨碍到了一对夫妇或者男女朋友的交往,经常呢,他是出于同情或者责任而被邀请。电灯泡看到别人一对在一起亲热,经常会感到不舒服; 举例: 1. Well, if your bring your girlfriend, I'll have to take my cousin with me, cause I don't wanna be the third wheel. 不行,如果你带了你的女朋友,那么我就要带我的表妹,因为我可不想当电灯泡。 2. I'm not going to the movies with you guys tonight, I don't want to be a third wheel. It is like watching a poorly scripted romance movie! 今晚我不和你们去看电影了,我才不要做电灯泡。我看你们在一起就好比在看一场很糟的爱情电影。