【No.43 By Lexie】马屁精 apple polisher

【No.43 By Lexie】马屁精 apple polisher

2014-08-07    05'18''

主播: 英语口语每天学

14.7万 4718

Today we will be learning a new slang, apple polisher. 释义: Apple 苹果 Polisher 磨光者 An apple polisher is something of a liar. He or she will tell the boss anything they want to hear, whether it’s to keep a job or get a raise. Apple Polisher指的是一群善于撒谎的人。他们会出于一些特定的目的,比如说保住一份饭碗或者升值、加薪,来对自己的上司说一些甜言蜜语哄他们开心。说白了,就是马屁精。 来源: This is a saying that first emerged in school, based on the practice of a student bringing a favorite teacher an apple for a treat. When the student polished the apple he gave to the teacher, his fellow students thought, wow, that’s going too far. He’s an “apple polisher.” 这种说法起源于很久以前在美国校园中的一个风俗习惯。学生会送一个苹果给自己心目中最棒的老师,而如果有学生特别别出心裁地将苹果洗干净擦好甚至给它抛光,只为了让苹果看起来更加颜色鲜亮,那么同学们会想,“哎呀,这也太过分了吧,真是个马屁精”。 On the job, the expression came to mean that it was okay to say a boss looked nice in her suit, but another to spend 15 minutes complimenting her in front of a large crowd about her suit. In that case, his fellow workers would smirk and call him an “apple polisher.” 在职场上的举例呢,则是如果真心的夸奖老板的着装是可以理解的。但是专门花上15分钟在众人面前大肆宣扬老板的今日衣着也就过分了。这样的话,同事就会称他为马屁精。 应用举例 You should take much care of him , and hes a real apple polisher. 你要当心他,他可是个马屁精。 Mary is an apple polisher; she can even handle illegal documents for the boss. 玛丽是个马屁精,她甚至可以为老板处理非法文件。