

2014-12-19    02'52''

主播: 英语口语每天学

43290 4610

解释: An offensive, derogatory word for a gay man, or a male homosexual 这个词除了水果的意思,在口语中还有男同性恋者的意思,是一个有点冒犯行和贬低意味的词语; 来源: The origin is unknown, but I think it's just supposed to imply the weakness by contrast with "manly" meat-and-potatoes, beefy metaphors.关于这个词组的来源查了很多资料,都不是很确定。但是猜想之所以用fruit来指代gay,可能是比起其他的食物,比如肉类等,水果会显得有些软弱。当然只是猜想。这个词有时候也可以和fruitcake互换来指代gay。 使用建议 This word is offensive to most gay men, so you're advised not to use it. 这个词对于很多的同性恋朋友都很有冒犯性,建议不去使用。If you want to use an informal word to refer to a male homosexual, use the word "gay"," gay man" or "gay guy" instead. 可以使用另外一些词,比如说gay,gay man 或者gay guy. 举例: 王小二对什么事情都比较感兴趣,昨天坐地铁时盯着一群着装怪异的小男孩看了好久,结果被那个小孩误认为是gay, He was on the subway when some teenage boys sat near him, and one of them said, "Why you lookin' at us? You some sort of fruit, are ya?"