Someone once said, love does not walk away, people do. I will add, and they take love with them. It is like taking it out of an old box, folding it carefully, packing into a bag and taking it away from you. And you are left with nothing but pain, memories and a great feeling of a loss. A loss of something big. Something important. Something meaningful. Once it is gone, nothing else matters. The world is not the same anymore. You are not the same anymore.
And you find yourself thinking… more. Retrospecting… more. Wondering… more.
And months will go before finally you will be able to look back and realize how much time you have wasted just sitting there, sorting out the pieces of your heart according to the various degrees of pain you feel.
And months will go before finally you will be able to let go and you finally give another someone a chance. But it will be months later. And for now, here you are, stuck in the past, wishing it was the present.
Months will go before you realize quite a number of things.
You will learn that people always turn out how they promised they wouldn’t.
You will learn that forever does not really last forever and that feelings have their expiration date.
You will learn that people lie. You will learn that people leave. You will learn that some things are just not meant to be.
你需要一段时间去明白一些事情,你会意识到承诺仅仅是承诺。你也会知道永远其实是不存在,感情也会有自己的保鲜期。你还会知道谎言依旧存在,总有人去茶凉的那一天,一些事情并不是命中注定。But most of all you will learn that memories fade. You will sit there thinking about time spent and promises made. You will remember all the happy smiles and all the cheerful moments. You will let the joys of the past put you into illusion of love and warmth. You will feel the presence of your loved one when you close your eyes, but when you reach for them, you will feel them slipping away. You will feel your memories fade.
但最重要的是,你会懂得记忆会消散。你坐在原地想着曾今的那些海枯石烂,你会记得所有的灿烂和笑容和开心的时刻,你会让过去的快乐将自己置身于爱和温暖的幻觉中。你会在闭上眼的时候感觉到曾经的ta就在你身边。但当你靠近时,幻想已经早早溜走。你会发现回忆已逝。And you will keep wondering how come that something so strong made you this weak. It will make you confused and lost. Lost to the world. Lost to yourself. You will take time to get over it. You will take time to adjust to a new reality. And then a moment comes when you start to pretend that everything is alright. Because people expect you to be. And because when the whole world thinks that you are fine, sometimes you forget for a while that you are not.
And you will learn new things again.
You will learn that people mistake your strength for ability to hide the pain deep inside.
You will learn that no matter how much you wish they could be, things will never be the same.
And you will learn that no matter how good you are, it does not guarantee a happily-ever-after.
这时候你成长了。你知道周围人把你的坚强错当忍痛的能力。你知道不论你多希望一切都是原来的样子,但这永远已不可能。你更会知道你的好不会换来一个幸福快乐的结局。But it all does not matter. It all will not matter. You will wake up every day and keep on walking. No matter how many pieces your heart consists now of, you will hold them all together, as a whole.
And you will keep on walking.
但这些都不重要。将来也不重要。每天醒来,你的生活依然继续。无论你的心多么地破碎不堪,你依然会继续向前走,并且一直向前走。And even if it is damn painful to let go, even if it is the toughest thing in the world not to cry when it is the only thing you actually want to do, even then you still keep on walking.
即使放手是如此之痛,即使伤心是最难的选择,但又只是唯一你想做的事情,你依然会选择向前走。Even when you know the past can’t become the present and surely can’t turn into the future, you still keep on walking.
即使你知道过去不会变成现在,更不会变成将来,你依然会继续向前。Because you will also learn that after every storm will always come the sun. Be it weeks, months or years (God forbid!) the sun will come. Maybe not the way you expected it to be, but most probably the way it is meant to be.
Just keep on walking…