

2015-12-11    09'53''

主播: 英语口语每天学

21.9万 5828

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学” 有用句型: I’d like to order..., please. My address is... 注:地址从小到大来说 My phone number is... 注:8位数的电话4-4来讲 Would you like any sides with that? 要什么配菜吗? Will that be all? 就要这些吗? 常见的pizza 超级至尊(Super Supreme) 海鲜至尊(Seafood Supreme) 黑椒牛肉比萨(Black Pepper Beef) 夏威夷风光比萨(Hawaiian) 田园风光(Garden Veggies) 对话 C: Hello, Tim’s Pizza. D: Hello, I’d like to order a pizza, please. C: Sure. Let’s start with your address and phone number. 好的,你的电话和地址是多少呢? D: My address is 123 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield.My phone number is 555- 7896. C: Okay, thank you. What would you like to order? D: Can I have a super pepperoni pizza, large, thin crust with extra mozzarella [ ˌmɑ:tsəˈrelə ]cheese? 我想点一个意大利辣香肠披萨,大的薄饼,再加些马苏里拉奶酪。 C: Would you like any sides with that? 要什么配菜吗? D: Yes, can I please have 2 garlic breads and a bottle of lemonade? 再要2块蒜蓉面包和一瓶柠檬汁汽水。 C: Okay, will that be all? 好的,就要这些吗? D: Yes, that will be all. 是的。就要这些。 C: Delivery time will be approximately 30 minutes. 大概30分钟送到。 D: Okay. 好的 C: Please have the correct change for the driver. 请准备好零钱。 D: I will, thank you. 会的。谢谢。