【No.254】drag your feet不是拽你的脚

【No.254】drag your feet不是拽你的脚

2017-05-24    04'30''

主播: 英语口语每天学

36493 1490

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,每日获取笨老撕不一样的分享。 【新浪微博】搜索“笨老撕” drag your feet 拖拖拉拉地做 It is not a good idea to drag your feet when the work needs to be done. 工作需要完成的时候,拖拖拉拉地做不太好。 be back on your feet (病后)恢复健康,痊愈 I am back on my feet again now. 我现在痊愈啦。 keep your feet on the ground 脚踏实地 It's a very exciting time for the business but it's important that we keep our feet on the ground. 现在对我们的生意来讲是激动人心的时候,但是脚踏实地依然很重要。 under your feet 妨碍;碍手碍脚 The children were running about under everybody's feet. 孩子们到处跑,挺碍着大家事的。 not put a foot wrong 从不犯错(英式为主) When he's around, we never put a foot wrong. 如果他在,我们从不会犯错。