Vol.261 hit on you不是打你的意思

Vol.261 hit on you不是打你的意思

2017-06-20    06'23''

主播: 英语口语每天学

72944 1547

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,每日获取笨老撕不一样的分享。 【新浪微博】搜索“笨老撕” hit on sb. 搭讪,勾搭,撩 Who was that guy you were talking to at the bar? It looked like he was hitting on you. 在酒吧给你说话那个人是谁呀? 看上去他好像在搭讪你。 hit the sack 去睡觉 It's 10 and time to hit the sack. 10点啦!该睡觉了! hit the road 出发,上路 We'd better hit the road or we'll be late. 我们最好早点上路吧,不然要迟到了。 hit it off 合得来,志趣相投 Jake and Ben hit it off immediately. 杰克和本一见如故。 hit the ceiling 暴跳如雷,极其恼火 My dad'll hit the ceiling when he finds out that I wrecked his car. 我爸要是发现我把他的车撞了 他一定会发飙的!