Vol.299 单眼皮英文怎么说才地道?

Vol.299 单眼皮英文怎么说才地道?

2018-03-13    05'36''

主播: 英语口语每天学

12915 280

介绍: 介绍: 【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,获取独家免费英语学习资料 【新浪微博】@笨老撕 Single eyelid 单眼皮 Double eyelid 双眼皮 ❖ The girl with single eyelids had a plastic surgery to make them double. 这个单眼皮女孩去做了双眼皮手术。 Lid /lɪd/ n. 盖子;眼皮 ❖ Can you get the lid off this jar? 你能把罐子的盖打开吗? ❖ She looked at him from under half-closed lids. 她眯着眼睛看着他。 Near-sighted 近视的 ❖ I became near-sighted when I was in high school. 我中学时候近视的。 Contact lens 隐形眼镜 ❖ I usually wear contact lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired. 我通常戴隐形眼镜,但有时眼睛疲劳时会戴框架眼镜。 Frame n. 眼镜架子 ❖ She wears glasses with gold-rimmed frames. 她带的是镶金边的眼睛。 今日挑战 选择并翻译,写在留言处和大家分享! She painted the window frames with great care ——— no paint got onto the glass. A. when B. like C. so that