Vol.319 当美国人对你说Very Funny的时候,千万别单纯地认为是很有意思

Vol.319 当美国人对你说Very Funny的时候,千万别单纯地认为是很有意思

2018-05-05    05'06''

主播: 英语口语每天学

6178 252

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,获取独家免费英语学习资料 【新浪微博】@笨老撕 Very funny 得了吧,呵呵 [你说的或做的并不好笑] A: The airline has lost your suitcases! 航空公司把你的行李丢啦! B: Very funny, now tell me where they really are. 呵呵,告诉我到底在哪吧。 Oh, that's very funny. I know you're in there. 得了吧。我知道你在那呢。 Don’t give me that. 别给我瞎扯淡。 A: I’ll give your money back tomorrow! I promise! 我明天就还你钱!我保证! B: Don’t give me that. I have to get my money back now! 别给我瞎扯淡。我现在就要! Tell me another! 鬼才信呢! You're actually going to be on time tonight? Oh, sure, tell me another! 你今晚会准时到?哦!当然!鬼才信! Likely story! 听起来像真的一样! Albert: Sorry I'm late. My car broke down half way here! 不好意思我迟到了。我的车半路坏掉了。 Sarah: Yeah, likely story! I bet you just slept in. 是吗,说的像真的一样。我打赌你是睡过头了。 That’ll be the day! 胡扯,哪有那样的事。 Paul? Apologize? That'll be the day! Paul?道歉了?不可能的!