Vol.374 Bad mouth? 坏嘴巴?其实这个地道表达这么用才对

Vol.374 Bad mouth? 坏嘴巴?其实这个地道表达这么用才对

2018-09-11    06'38''

主播: 英语口语每天学

24436 251

Bad-mouth v. 诽谤,说坏话 Divorced parents shouldn&`&t bad-mouth each other in front of the kids. 离异的父母不应该在孩子们面前说彼此的坏话。 leave a bad taste in sb&`&s mouth 给某人留下不愉快的记忆 The way he was talking to the old man left a bad taste in my mouth. 他和那个老人说话的方式给我留下了不好的印象。 Big mouth 多嘴的人 God you&`&ve got a big mouth! Don&`&t you ever stop talking about other people&`&s business? 天呐!你真是个多嘴的人!你能不能不谈别人的事情? Mouthwatering (食品)令人垂涎的 They’ve got a lot of mouthwatering desserts at the party last night. 昨晚的聚会上有很多让人垂涎的甜点。 By word of mouth 口头上地,口口相传地 A: "How did you hear about our bakery?” 你从哪知道我们面包店的? B: "Oh, by word of mouth. My dad told me about it.” 听说的。我爸告诉我的。 今日挑战 John knocked at the door for nearly five minutes ___ his wife opened. A. when B. before C. while 【翻阅上一期内容即可查阅正确答案】 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 [答案] B正确;后面是一个省略了that的定语从句,这句话变为陈述句就很好理解:This is the school (that) some German friends visited last week. 其中,学校是特指,所以前面一定要加the,另外where不能在从句中做宾语,只能做地点状语,所以D错误;