Vol.423 Get cold feet不是脚冷的意思!

Vol.423 Get cold feet不是脚冷的意思!

2019-01-12    06'11''

主播: 英语口语每天学

45323 339

Get cold feet 突然退缩 Her boyfriend got cold feet about being in a committed relationship. 说道开始一段忠诚的伴侣关系的时候,他男朋友突然退缩了。 My feet are cold. 我脚冷了。 Be stone/freezing cold 非常冷 Isn’t the heating working? It’s freezing cold now. 暖气坏了吗?现在冷死了! Shivery 颤抖的 I felt shivery and had a headache. 我感觉颤抖,于是就得了感冒。 Come down with a cold 感冒了 A lot of people go/come down with colds at this time of the 6year. 每年这个时候许多人都会得感冒。 Cold hands, warm heart 外表冷淡内心热 I always thought he was heartless before he donated so generously to the charity. I guess he&`&s just one of those cold hands, warm heart people. 在给慈善机构慷慨捐赠之前,我一直认为他是个无情的人。我想他就应该是那种外表冷淡内心热的人吧。 今日挑战 翻译句子 写在留言处和大家分享 The woman coldly told us to mind our own business. 【翻阅上一期内容即可查阅正确答案】 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 She twisted her head round so she could see what was happening. 她扭过头去,以便能看清楚发生了什么事。