Vol.424 An old head on young shoulders啥意思?

Vol.424 An old head on young shoulders啥意思?

2019-01-15    06'01''

主播: 英语口语每天学

44748 334

An old head on young shoulders 年轻而老练 He’s only seventeen, but he has an old head on young shoulders and remains calm under pressure. 他只有十七岁,但他少年老成,在压力下能够保持冷静。 Be off one’s head 发疯,精神错乱 You must be off your head going out in this weather! 这种天气出去你真是发疯了! Bury one&`&s head in the sand 逃避现实 Stop burying your head in the sand, Tim. Don’t pretend that everything’s all right. Tim,别再逃避现实了。别假装一切都好 Give sb. a heads up 事先通知 Just give me a heads-up if you need a ride. 如果你需要我载你一程,事先通知我。 Put their heads together 共同出谋划策 If the two of you put your heads together, I&`&m confident you’ll figure out a workable solution. 如果你们两个人一起共同出谋划策,我相信你们会想出一个可行的办法。 今日挑战 翻译句子 写在留言处和大家分享 She twisted her head round so she could see what was happening. 【翻阅上一期内容即可查阅正确答案】 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 I've ___ so many things to do I don't know ___ to start. A. gotten…where B. gotten…how C. got…what D. got...where D正确;have got=have,意思是“有”,这里只用got,美式口语固定搭配;第二空用where 我有好多事要做,不知道从哪开始。