Vol.428 听说有酒窝的人颜值都不低,那酒窝英文怎么讲?

Vol.428 听说有酒窝的人颜值都不低,那酒窝英文怎么讲?

2019-01-24    06'05''

主播: 英语口语每天学

42962 315

Dimple 酒窝 Some say that those who have dimples must be good-looking. 有人说有酒窝的人肯定长得好看。 She has a dimple which appears when she smiles. 她笑起来有酒窝。 Freckle 雀斑;小斑点 She has the same red hair and freckles as her mother. 她有和她母亲一样的红头发和雀斑。 Bags under your eyes 眼袋 I didn’t sleep a wink. I’ve got bags under my eyes. 我一夜没合眼。都长眼袋了。 Double chin 双下巴 That baby’s double chin makes him so cute. 那个婴儿的双下巴看上去很可爱。 Love handles 腰间赘肉,小肚子 If you wanna get in shape, you have to get rid of that love handles. 如果你想拥有好身材,你就必须减掉小肚子。 今日挑战 下面词组连成一句话 写在留言处并翻译 和大家分享 Phil has to face I think she no longer loves him. the fact that 【翻阅上一期内容即可查阅正确答案】 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 The walls in this apartment are so thin that you can hear just about every word the neighbors say. 这间公寓的墙很薄,几乎能听到邻居们说的每一个字。